Rogue Fitness: If you need athletic gear or equipment, you should get it here. Made in Ohio, USA and carrying a wide range of brands aside from their own. Great quality, fair prices and strong customer support.

Rogue Door Strap: Anyone who spends time traveling and cares about their mobility will find this useful. Simply wedge it between a door, clip a resistance band to the carabiner, and stretch away.

MWOD Mobility Ball: Goes with the above. Great way to stay loose at home or while traveling. Doesn’t take up a lot of room.

SunWarrior Protein: I have no scientific reason why, but this is my favorite protein. Tastes great, easy to digest, short list of pronounceable ingredients. My favorite recipe: almond milk, 2 scoops vanilla protein powder, 1 tsp BCAA powder, 1 tsp Glutamine, 1 tsp chia seeds, 1 banana, handful kale or spinach, (optional) frozen berries, ice and water to top it off. A Vitamix or other commercial-power blender is key.



Vitamix Blender: I wasn't joking. If you have only purchased "normal" blenders in the past, the price will shock you. Don't let it. If you make smoothies with any regularity, this thing will pay for itself. Also makes amazing soups and bunch of other stuff but I used this basically every single day to make next-level smoothies when I lived in New York.